Saturday 11 February 2017

Website Portfolio 3

Amazing Aloe Vera

Amazing Aloe Vera for a healthy body
If you are a natural remedy exponent or someone who is interested in the healing and nourishing properties of natural herbs, plants, vegetables and fruits, you must have come across Aloe Vera. This versatile plant also known as the “miracle herb” has several medicinal properties that can cure and heal. Rich in Vitamin C, E and beta carotene, Aloe Vera rejuvenates and nourishes and moisturizes your skin. Aloe Vera is thus a much sought after ingredient in skin care formulations. Here are some well researched home remedies using aloe vera
 Skin care: 
For dry skins, you can use aloe vera mixed with turmeric, honey and rosewater. You can also add a teaspoon of milk if you like. This well blended mixture should be applied to the dry skin   for 20 minutes.  You can also use it as a scrub to remove dead skin and exfoliate. Just mix the gel from aloe vera with lemon and sugar and use it as a scrub for healthy skin. Prolonged use of aloe vera mixed with the antioxidant properties of almonds are said to cure mild cases of acne. 
Weight loss:
If you have still not acted upon your New Year resolution on weight loss, it is good time to start using aloe vera and feel the difference. Apart from its beauty and skin care properties as listed above, aloe vera is a great herb for weight loss and healthy body as well. The rich anti oxidant properties of aloe vera helps you to boost immunity and assist in your weight loss efforts. With its abundant vitamins and minerals aloe vera helps in correct absorption and digestion, utilization of your food intake and supports you to have a healthy diet. Try consuming small quantities of aloe vera juice every morning and you’ll see the effects in your body. Make sure you mix the bitter juice with some sweet juice or better mix with honey and drink it.
Prevent Hair loss:
Don’t lose anymore hair worrying about your balding pate! Help is at hand with aloe vera. The enzymes that help prevent dry skin also acts well to prevent drying of scalp, helps growth of hair and reduces dandruff. A chemical similar to keratin that is found in aloe vera helps in conditioning your hair and gives it a smooth and shiny texture.

Try these home remedies and write to us your comments :

Sunday 27 March 2016

Social Media Profiles

Enhance your social media profiles

In today's digital world, your website needs to be integrated with the Social Media. Merely having a web page in isolation is not enough. You can leverage the powerful reach of social media by creating an interactive Facebook or a Linkedin profile. 

Facebook profile helps you to target your products or service to specific segment at very affordable price points. Quintus Communication helps you enhance your Social Media profiles and drive clients to your site.

We will take complete responsibility of posting regular updates about your products and services and enable you to connect with your target audience. 

Write to us to or Like us on our Facebook Page:

Monday 21 March 2016

5 smart tips for Resume writing

Smart Resumes for Success

A resume is your chance to present your skills, education and your work experience to a prospective employer. With several articles on resume writing, a job-seeker may end up churning out a formulaic resume or over the top resume. Neither of this would help you. To ensure that your resume comes up tops among thousand others, you have to make it relevant. These simple tips will help you write professional resume.

1.     Summarize for success

HR managers take on an average 20 – 25 seconds to ‘scan’ a resume that lands in their in-box every day. When they scan quickly, if the keyword that they are looking for is not in the first few lines of your resume, it will end up in the recycle bin.
Make sure that you highlight your most recent and relevant skills to the job in the first section of your resume. Make that 25 seconds count by summarizing your career objectives as a solution to their problems.

2.     Research to be relevant

Don’t commit the cardinal sin of sending out same resumes to 10 companies! Do your research first on the company you are going to apply. Understand what keywords are given in the vacancy announcement. Find a way to mirror those keywords in your resume.
Also doing the research on an organization will let you know what style of resumes you could send them. An advertising or a creative professional may send out artistically designed resume to showcase his /her prowess in using the design software. But, unless you are in the media or other arts, it is better to stick to a conservative style in your resume design

3.     Avoid job descriptions in your resume

In their eagerness to copy the keywords in a job advertisement, candidates sometimes end up reproducing the entire JD of that position. You should avoid giving job descriptions of what you had done – rather emphasise what you had achieved, what problem you had solved in a given job.
HR managers look for your problem solving skills an important indicator of Emotional Intelligence in your resume, so make sure you give the information that is unique to you and not a generic job description.

4.    Add only Contemporary skills

Remember to include only the modern and most relevant skills in your resume. For example, saying that you know MS Office suite is nothing great in a resume. The HR managers and people who hire you expect you to be proficient in computer skills. 20 years ago, inclusion of MS Office skills may be very novel, but now it is taken for granted so don’t waste your time and precious space in your resume talking about skills that you are anyway expected to have.
Instead, add skills like writing blogs, designing websites or any other skill that is relevant to 21st Century businesses.

5.     Proof-read for Perfection

A badly written resume is sure to raise the hackles of your hirer. So make sure that you do a proper proof reading before sending it out. Ask your friend to double check the spelling and grammar. Avoid using colloquialism or slangs in your resume. Use UK English for applying to jobs in UK or Europe and use US English for American companies. In all cases, make sure you avoid “WhatsApp” or texting lingo in your resume.

A neatly formatted, well written relevant resume is guaranteed to get you the desired results. So go ahead and follow these tips in your resume. In my next article, I will talk about the importance of a Cover Letter

Thursday 17 March 2016

5 Tips for effective Power Point Presentations

Power Point presentations have become the de-facto standard for almost all business presentations. Like any technology tool, it has both positives and negatives. Like it or not, you cannot afford to ignore the world’s most commonly used presentation tool. By following these simple tips, you can use power point effectively. 

1. Presenter not Presentation 
You as the presenter must be the focus. Your power point slides should not distract audience attention from you.  In a presentation, it is interaction that is important – not just reading. Engage your audience’s interest with few succinct points and elaborate your points on the slides through examples and emphasize through repetition. All the rules public speaking like; eye contact, voice modulation, appropriate gestures are all applicable to making power point presentations too. Remember, the audience are there to hear you talk and interact with you. So ensure that you engage them with your voice and body language and don’t let the presentation usurp the presenter

2. Visual aid
First and foremost, power point slides are just a visual aid. It should not be a substitute for putting pages of text for reading. Use it as an “aid” to enhance your presentation but do not depend entirely on power point. If the audience can read everything on the slides, then you might as well give them a print out and they could read it in leisure!

3. Avoid Clutter
Don’t do the mistake of putting all the points in a single slide. The best practice is to adhere to the 4 x 4 rule. It states that each slide should not have not more than 4 bullet points and under each bullet point not more than 4 words. Many speakers forget this rule and lose the attention of the audience. Follow this simple formula for effective presentations.

4. Use Visuals Wisely
Power point is a powerful visual aid. So when you plan your presentation, visualize the flow of your thoughts.. Learn how you can translate information into visual forms. 
Audience would love to see a pleasing visual. At the same time avoid using the clip-art that has been done to death – use scans from your photographs or source good quality photos from websites and always mention the source.

Conclude Powerfully
Research has shown that audiences remember the last point made by the presenter. Be sure to end your presentation with a powerful call for action or an idea that you want the participants to remember. You should end your slide show with a powerful take away message.  

Next time you step on the stage to deliver your PPT, just keep in mind these 5 simple steps and you’ll be able to deliver a memorable presentation.